Exam Game

A clone of the game Sad But Ded, where actions themselves are a limited resource! use your moves wisely and get yourself through the exit!


Left Mouse Button Click: Press buttons


Restart Button: Restarts the stage (costs a life if lives are enabled)

[<] button: Makes the player move left until the [S] button is pressed

[>] button: Makes the player move right until the [S] button is pressed

[S] button: Stops player movement on the x axis

[J] button: when on the ground, allows the player to jump

Feature List:

- All core player mechanics (all 4 actions, death and being able to go through the exit) are working

- Lives, Bonus Lives and a difficulty system (easy, normal & hard) are all implimented

- There is BG music that plays throughout the game

- SFX for: jumping, failing/dying, collecting a life and bouncing on a bounce block are all implimented

- Levels 1-6 are completely playable

- Level01 is complete with all mechanics

- Level02 will kill the player (and cause a restart/game over) upon touching death walls

- Level03's bouncy block is implimented

- Level04 has moving death walls that start at a predetermined position even on restarts

- Level05 has an invisible layout that will breifly become visible, so as to not feel cheap and like pure trial and error to the player

- Level06 has low gravity and slower speed to replicate the "moon" feel

- A Title screen with a difficulty select is implimented

- A Game Over screen is implimented and appears when all lives have been lost, it kicks the player back to the title screen

- There is a HUD in game showing the level name, remaining actions, a restart button and life counter (if lives are active)

- There is a titlecard when starting a new level (doesn't display upon restarts/deaths) displaying the level name and description (stops time, doesn't apply blur)

- There is a results screen shown upon beating a level (stops time, doesn't apply blur)

Asset List:

BG Image:  Pinterest. (n.d.). 2D Dungeon Backgrounds for Mobile Games #Sponsored #, #affiliate, #Backgrounds#Dungeon#Mobile#Environments | Background, Dungeon, Forest background. [online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/759349187148823257/ [Accessed 15 Jun. 2021].

Wormhole (Exit) Sprite: 

Pinterest. (n.d.). Johnston Public Schools - Aspen Family Portal | Public school, Portal, Johnston. [online] Available at: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/519954719462527379/ [Accessed 15 Jun. 2021].

BG Music: Extracted from the game files of Sonic CD (Steam ver) (2011)

Jump SFX - Extracted from the game files of Sonic Mania (2017)

Die/Fail SFX  Extracted from the game files of Sonic Mania (2017)

Bounce SFX - Extracted from the game files of Sonic Mania (2017)

Fire Sprite - Extracted from the game files of Sonic Mania (2017)

Life Sprite - Extracted from the game files of Binding of Isaac Rebirth (2014)

Life SFX - Extracted from the game files of Binding of Isaac Rebirth (2014)

Exit SFX - Extracted from the game files of Sonic Mania (2017)

ActionManager prefab - controls stage init details such as what actions should appear and what the name/desc is

BounceBlock prefab - the bounce block from level03

DeathBounds prefab - invisible death walls just outside the screen

DeathWall prefab - the death walls that appear in levels 2,4 and 6

Exit prefab - the exit portal in every stage

HUD - the canvas, event manager and all UI elements used on the HUD

Life prefab - the bonus life in each level

Main Camera prefab - the main camera used for viewing the game through

Player prefab - the player used to progress each level

StageManager prefab - manages all general stage stuffs like fade outs, timer, lives and difficulty

ActionManager script - handles and creates the UI elements for each "action" to be used in the stage

StageInfo prefab - handles and sets up the stage's name and description

StageManager script - manages all general stage stuffs like fade outs, timer, lives and difficulty

UIManager script - a simple script used for UI button events like the difficulty buttons on the title and the restart button

BounceBlock script - handles bouncing the player off the bounce block when collision happens

DeathBounds script - kills the player on contact, has an amplitude variable that can be set if object movement is desired

ExitManager script - manages the exit portal and sends the player to the next level on contact

ExtraLife script - awards the player with one bonus life on contact

InvisManager script - manages the invisible gimmick for level05's level layout

PlayerManager script - manages the player and its movement/actions

FrictionLess physics 2d material - used on stage layout so the player doesn't get "stuck" to walls

All Scripts aside from "SceneSwitcherKeys.cs" "Utils.cs" and "UnitySingletonPersistant.cs" were fully programmed by me, with the exception of StageManager.DrawQuad which was made by "kblood" here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/draw-a-simple-rectangle-filled-with-a-color.116348/


Why doesn't the player/layout/bounce block have proper sprites? because I couldn't find/figure out anything that suited them in my eyes, I wanted to go for a locked away dungeon kinda feel but I'm not artistically talented enough to be able to make it happen and couldn't find anything that fit well enough, sorry!

Restarting a stage before the title card is done skips the animation of it, is that intentional? A wise man once said "its not a bug, its a feature", though it wasn't at first but it made debugging stuff much quicker and its really minor so I left it in!

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